Activity & Entertainment at Holmwood
A Wide range of activities and Entertainment are offered at holmwood, cosntantly evolving in line with our residents wishes and suggestions. Examples include:
- Regular trips to our very own beach hut in Southwold
- Summer boat trips on the waveney stardust
- Coffee Mornings (often in support of National Organisations such as the Alzheimers Society)
- Pamper Days
- Flower Arranging
- Armchair Excersises
- Music for Health
- Diners Club
- Baking
- Croquet on the Lawn
- Theatre
- Museum & Gallery Trips
- Visits from the local pre-school
- Film Afternoons
- Zootastic Visits
- Trips to the Pub
- Art, Painting & Craft Groups
- Pop up Shops
- What do we fancy today?